

6.0 Changes With Endwalker

While we are confident that the values in the table below will hold true for Endwalker, we will verify the values to ensure they accurately reflect the functions in game.

Explaining Tenacity

Tenacity is a Tank only linear multiplier that affects all of your outgoing and incoming damage, as well as outgoing healing. It does not affect the heals you receive. It does nothing for non-tanks.

Its coefficient is 100 and it tiers to the 1000th (changing by 0.001).

At Level 90 each tier of Tenacity happens every +19 (1900/100) points exactly.

There are no buffs that directly affect Tenacity other than increases with food.

Due to being a linear function, Tenacity’s value has relative diminishing returns the more of it you have. That is to say the average DPS increase from going from a multiplier of 1.010 to 1.011 is worth less than the gain from 1.009 to 1.010.

The mitigation it provides stacks multiplicatively with other damage reduction cooldowns and passives.


  • Outgoing Damage & Healing: f(TNC) = 1000 + ⌊ 100 × ( TNC - Level Lv, SUB )/ Level Lv, DIV ⌋
  • Incoming Damage Mitigation: f(TNC) = 1000 - ⌊ 100 × ( TNC - Level Lv, SUB )/ Level Lv, DIV ⌋

For level specific variables variables such as Level Lv, MAIN and Level Lv, DIV, refer to Level Modifiers page.

Lv. 90 Spreadsheet Example

  • Outgoing Damage & Healing: =(1000+INT(100*(Ten-400)/1900))/1000
  • Incoming Damage Mitigation: =(1000-INT(100*(Ten-400)/1900))/1000

Tenacity Stat Tiers