Hello everyone, Nemekh here with an update on the 55th Letter from the Producer LIVE information regarding Summoner!
This is the Live Letter just before that we’ve eagerly been awaiting before patch 5.10 for more information on the upcoming Summoner adjustments.
Here are the changes that apply to us:
【召喚士】 Summoner
・エギアサルト 1、2 が魔法に変更され GCD の影響を受けるように(これに伴ってペットアクションの威力を調整)
Egi Assault 1 and 2 are now categorized as spells and will be affected by GCD. Due to this change, action potencies will be increased.
Overall firepower will increase as a result.
・初動のアクションは 6 回ボタンを押す回数が減る
Your initial actions a.k.a your opener will see up to 6 lesser buttons pressed.
Overall action recast (Cooldowns) will be adjusted to make it align nicely.
Ruination effect from Tri Disaster deleted, what replaces it will be direct damage.
・ベインの効果アップ特性をベインの追加効果の発動確率が 100%になるに変更
Bane’s trait will be adjusted, where it’s additional effect is adjusted from 15% to 100%
A set of interesting changes. What are the implications?
Egi Assault & Egi Assault II no longer being OGCDs but being GCDs with an instant cast reduces the urgency to double weave to gain Ruin IVs efficiently while reducing OGCD based CPM by 4 a minute after the opener has been executed. This is a significant positive for high ping players while also being nice for people that found the job too busy, however, players who enjoyed the more frenetic OGCD pacing & double weaving may find things too slow vs how they were before. This change may also result in additional mobility outside of Trance windows if the Egi Assaults are indeed instant.
It is not known if Egi Assaults will act as GCDs with charges like the new Ninjutsu changes for Ninja, nor what the new potencies will be, nor whether the Summoner is the source of the damage or if they remain as pet command actions.
The overall action cooldown adjustments is an interesting & curious mention. All we can do is speculate there, but if it helps with any downtime rigidity problems that is a big plus.
Ruination being removed from Tri-disaster is good news for Firebird Trance as no longer will we be wasting Ruination for 20s with FBT actions that do not benefit from it. In its stead, on hit damage will be present. This is nice for snapshotting damage under buffs immediately & depending on numbers will be a nice little potency gain. However, we do not know if this also means that to compensate for Bane no longer spreading Ruination to increase Outburst’s damage that Outburst will be increased from 70 potency per target to 90 potency.
Following from the removal of Ruination, the Lv. 78 Bane trait has been changed to make the duration refresh chance against targets being spread to from 15% to 100%. The understanding is this is not iron jaws, however, you could potentially keep DoTs indefinitely up in a two target scenario provided Bane’s cooldown allows. It is not known if snapshotted buffs would persist through this & will be tested thoroughly to confirm.
Potency numbers have not been mentioned nor seen beyond Ninja’s Trick Attack now being a +5% damage 15s debuff on the target as Summoner with the new changes was not demonstrated by Yoshida. Only Ninja.
It is also possible & probable that these are not all of the final changes for 5.10 Summoner. Overall it was expected that Summoner changes would happen in a piecemeal manner.
Things that have changed or will be changing for the better:
- Fester Ruins removed, GCDs full potency.
- Egi Assaults becoming GCD + tweaks.
- Ruination being removed from TriD, no longer being wasted during FBT.
- TriD now having On Hit damage to compensate. Nicer for buff alignment.
Things that may or may not change in the future:
- Demi-Summon “summoning sickness” clunk
- Downtime rigidity for Trances
- Downtime rigidity for Aetherflow
Time will tell how things will unfurl.
Please be patient for the patch data once the servers go down & please look forward to further updates when it’s time!
Addendum: The wonderful Iluna Minori has transcribed & translated what Yoshida had verbally said with regards to Summoner, please see it below:
吉田: で、続いては召喚士です。ええ・・・こちらもですね、実は本当に触って貰わないと分からない・・・手触りがすごい多くてですね、項目はすげぇ数あります。ただ、一番のポイントはエギアサルト I と II が、まぁ、5.0 の召喚のコンセプトをペットちゃんと使っていこうということにしてアビリティにしてたんですけど、まぁ、これによってとにかく挟んで行かないといけない。その一グローバルクールダウン中に 2 アクションはもう必須だみたいのがすげぇ辛くて、手が本当折れそうみたいな・・・感じだったので今回エギアサルトは魔法に変えました。
Yoshida: We’ll move on to the next one, Summoner. Well…for this too, we would like you to actually give it a try and get a feel of it or else you may not fully understand…the feel can be overwheming as there are many entries to show its change. However, our main point here is that Egi Assaults I and II will…well, beforehand I’d like to explain that initially during 5.0 our concept was to make players utilize their pets more so we made the Egi Assaults to be an ability. But well, in the end it made players feel like they needed to weave Egi Assaults, and made players weave 2 actions in one GCD as a requirement and this in the end made players feel stressed, and made them feel as if they are breaking their hands over it….therefore we made Egi Assaults to be spells this time around.
吉田: なので、グローバルクールダウンが回るんですけど、インスタントにしてるので詠唱がないので、ポチッと押せばいい、押せば発動していく。で、当然その分だけ先の忍者も説明と同じで、挟むものじゃなくなったので、それに合わせて威力調整をしています。大事なポイント忘れました。そもそも召喚士は全体的に火力を底上げをしています。今回の使い勝手調整以外に火力の底上げをしているので、基本的に強化されています。で、色んなアクションに強化が入っていて、で、更にそれに加えて今回のエギアサルトの調整部分もちゃんと入れてあります、はい。
Yoshida: Therefore, while the global cooldown rolls, considering we made it instant there is no cast time accompanying it therefore you can just press the button and it will just activate. Then, as the same explanation we did for Ninja just now, (Egi Assaults) will no longer be something you weave and therefore in accordance to this change, we have made adjustments to its potencies. Oh, and one thing we forgot to mention here is that we are adjusting Summoner itself to have their damage output increased from ground up. So the usability for Summoner this time has been adjusted to allow increase in firepower, therefore basically making it a pure buff. So, multiple actions have been buffed as a result and furthermore we’ve also properly included the adjustments for Egi Assaults this time round….yeah.
吉田: これによって初動の一分間で6回ボタン押すの回数が減ります。以降4回減ります、ローテーション。まぁ、それをずっとやってたのでもう流石に…(モルボル:流石に大きく、すごく減るって感じがしますが、今までの(エギアサルトが)忙しすぎたって感じですかね)はい。あとは召喚士はね、とにかく特殊なアクションが多くてリキャストが噛み合わないってのはもう事々濃っかたので、数秒単位ずつ調整をしてですね、リキャストが噛み合うように何回と調整をやっております、はい。
Yoshida: Through these adjustments, you’ll realize that you’ll press 6 buttons less from the first minute of your initial actions. And 4 lesser buttons on the subsequent minute, yes, I mean the rotation. Well, we have been continously perform adjustments on that so I believe…
Foxclon: That indeed is huge and it really lessens [the burden] but Egi Assault up till now really made the job too busy.
Yoshida: Yeah, that’s right. Also, Summoner is also a job that has so many special actions that its cooldown ended up didn’t align properly as it should, and that became a serious issue so we have looked into that issue and adjusted the timing of each actions. We kept on making adjustments on the cooldowns so everything will align as it should.
吉田: 召喚士はこれ以上はね、メインの方が触って頂くのがよろしいかなと思いますので、残りはパワーポイントを見ていくのが・・・”
Yoshida: So for Summoners, what I’ll say is that we hope those who main the job will give it a try and we’d like to see how you feel about it. The rest we would like you to read the powerpoint.
On Tri-disaster
吉田: ルインネーションはね、また非常に分かりにくい原因でもあったので…思い切りましたここは。
Yoshida: Ruination is one another hard-to-understand thing and it was another reason to the job’s issue here….so we took a drastic action for this…
Final note
吉田: 本当にすみません、触ってください。いっぱい触ってみてください。
Yoshida: Really, we apologize. We hope you’ll give it a try, give it a really good try.